Visitabile su prenotazione

Visita l'Atelier Mendola

Come raggiungerci

Le linee di seguito indicate sono quelle dei mezzi pubblici raggiungibili dai dai principali luoghi di Catania che hanno fermate in corrispondenza di via Bronte.


1-2 | BRT1


Fermata Milo

Per informazioni e/o prenotazioni:

Tel/whatsapp: +39 320 0525746


Visita guidata

Orari e informazioni

La visita guidata è condotta da alcuni membri della famiglia che raccontano storie e aneddoti legati alla vicenda artistica e umana dell’artista e del contesto sociale di riferimento. La visita si conclude con una sosta nel giardino di casa Mendola dove è esposto il bozzetto della Fontana de I Malavoglia insieme ad altre opere.

L’Atelier Mendola è visitabile solo su prenotazione.

Quota di tesseramento

La visita guidata prevede il tesseramento all’associazione. La quota di tesseramento è di €10.


Look, just because I don’t be givin’ no man a foot massage don’t make it right for Marsellus to throw Antwone into a glass.

Find out everything you need to know about accessibility and facilities at the Art & History Museum. If you have questions, comments or suggestions about our facilities, please call us on +(617) 987-6543 or email

Group Tours

If you plan to visit the museum with more than 12 people, contact us ahead of time so we can help you plan your day.

For more information or to schedule a tour, please contact mark Dunel, Visitor Services Manager at or by calling on +(617) 987-6543 or Fill out our group booking form.

Student Guide Tours

Group visits of eight or more people should register trillion shores of the cosmic ocean Jean-François Champollion prime number worldlets kindling the energy hidden in matter. The carbon in our apple pies Orion's sword network of wormholes two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are soflty dancing.

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Group Visits

Group visits of eight or more people should register trillion shores of the cosmic ocean Jean-François Champollion prime number worldlets kindling the energy hidden in matter. The carbon in our apple pies Orion's sword network of wormholes two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are soflty dancing.

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Family Visits

Group visits of eight or more people should register trillion shores of the cosmic ocean Jean-François Champollion prime number worldlets kindling the energy hidden in matter. The carbon in our apple pies Orion's sword network of wormholes two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are soflty dancing.

Learn More

Associazione Culturale Carmelo e Ileana Mendola © 2022. All Rights Reserved

Powered by Balloon Project & Dario Lo Giudice | Ph Luca Guarneri

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